Altona Beach

Altona Beach

Tuesday 5 April 2011

A Learning Curve

Today whilst thinking up ideas of what exactly I wanted to take photos of during my Project 365, I had the honour of taking photos of my stepfather-in-law's carvings, so that he would have a portfolio of what he'd done to show potential customers.  With the majority of the carvings being made of wood, I thought they would look totally awesome sitting on the grass whilst I took the photos.  After 2 hours of taking photos, as well as making sure they looked good on the grass, and the transporting of carvings back and forth from the house. I had finally finished just as my stepfather-in-law arrived home.  After showing him some of the photos, he didn't seem overly impressed.  I was quite shattered in that I didn't know what was wrong.  If they weren't any good, then tell me they need improvement.  Constructive criticism and I are friends after all ;-)  Later on I found out that the problem was that the carvings were placed on the ground, which apparently is a big no no in his culture, as it's meant to bring bad luck and evil spirits.  I didn't realise that there was a lot of faith and religious belief surrounding his carvings. After my stepfather-in-law blessed all of his carvings, all was right in the world again, and he apparently loves the photos. (ISO 100, F/9, 1/250sec, 37mm)


  1. Wow, I'd not have known that. I saw the pics on fb, they're amazing works.

  2. The amount of work that has gone into them is just amazing. So much time, effort, and love. He wanted them photographed as he's trying to start up a business
